ASG Contest Rules
Rules for the ASG APOM and APOY photo contest.
ASG Astronomy Picture of the Month (ASG APOM) is organized and owned by ASG Astronomy, llc and its staff, managers, and owners. The contest is open to anyone except its own employees, staff, or judges.
There is no cost to enter and is open to any adult over 18 years of age. You may submit up to THREE photos per month. We highly recommend only submitting an image ONCE and not the same image month after month. All images are submitted directly to our website here for the contest in order to be eligible. Images tagged or submitted on social media are encouraged with #ASGAPOM but those images will not be counted.
Images are to be submitted here on our official website only. Any images posted on social media with #ASGAPOM will not be submitted or eligible for entry, but it is encouraged to post and accumulate likes for your image!
We are only going to consider one category for the time being which is anything astronomy related. Nebulae, Galaxies, Clusters, Stars, comets, planets are all going to be in one APOM category. Best image wins!
We may create a theme or challenge during a contest some months as well, whether a specific target or contest rule and we reserve the right to do that… it is our contest. But we will be very clear what the challenge, contest, or rules are at that time!
Each image may also be voted on by the general public. While we encourage you to post links to the contest on social media, which can gain you likes and votes, it is not the only criteria we will use for judging. Our staff as well as other outside sources for judging will also play into the selection each month. So while you can acquire votes, please note that doesn’t constitute a final winning image. By submitting your image to the contest, you agree to these rules and that we at ASG reserve the right to adjust our criteria as we see fit. We will be as unbiased and neutral as we can be for judging imagery!
Our judges may also reach out to you with the need for more clarification or information regarding imagery.
We would like to award winners at the end of each monthly contest both personally and also publicly on our website and social media. Any images submitted you are agreeing to allow ASG Astronomy, llc to use appropriately in our news, website, emails, and social media for such announcements.
Each winner of our Picture of the Month will be entered into our Picture of the Year contest. The top 12 monthly winners will then be judged and a winner selected as the final ASG Picture of the Year.
Every monthly winner will have a chance to select a special prize. Each month we will be giving away various ASG swag or products to winners and will decide each contest what that may be. We may also collect sponsors from outside sources!
ASG Picture of the Year winner will receive a full ASG Photon Cage worth a $700 dollar retail value.
Winners may also post they are an ASG APOM or ASG APOY contest winner… and the title of ASG Lieutenant or ASG High Commander!
The contest is light-hearted and should be a fun process to showcase some amazing astronomy images. Make it fun, we may adjust or change up the rules throughout the year. You do not need to have ASG equipment, and you may use entry level equipment or high level equipment. We may choose an amazing image taken with modest equipment, or an amazing image taken with expensive equipment, both equally challenging tasks. Enjoy the contest, prizes, and fun!