Eagle Nebula – M16

The Eagle Nebula – M16

So after a night of experimenting, I was able to shoot the Eagle in Ha, Oiii, Sii.  I ended up with only Ha and Oiii though as Sii failed to focus.  I normally don’t process in HOO color palette, but this was still fun to get good clear signal on this target low in the sourthern sky.  The Eagle was made famous with the pillars of creation in the middle of it when Hubble first released it’s images.

Telescope:  Celestron 8″ Edge HD Schmidt-Cassegrain
Focal Reducer:  .7x reduced to 1400mm
Main Camera:  ZWO ASI 1600mm-pro Monochrome
Mount:  Skywatcher EQ6r-Pro
Guide Scope:  William Optics 50mm Uniguide
Guide Camera:  ZWO ASI 290mm-mini
Computer:  ASIair PRO

Location:  Pendleton, Oregon
Bortle:  4
Long & Lat:  45.67N, 118.79 W

Ha Filter:  90×60″
Oiii Filter: 50×60″
Sii Filter: none
Calibration Bias: 40
Calibration Dark: 25
Calibration Flat: 20

Integration Time:  ~2.2 hours total
Gain:  139 (unity)
Cooling:  -10
Processing Software
:   Photoshop CC, Astro Pixel Processor, StarNet, ASIair PRO AutoRun