IC 1396 Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

IC 1396 Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

Really happy with this image as it’s one of my clearer and sharper images I have taken.  This was captured with a Celestron RASA 11″ in Ha, Sii, and Oiii filters and processed in hubble color palette.  Located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away.  I personally like the star on the inner eye of this dense pillar, showing how the young stars empty the cavities in these regions of dense dust.

Telescope: Celestron RASA 11 (620mm focal @ f/2.2)
Filters:  Baader Ultra-Highspeed F/2 3.5nm & 4nm Filters.
Main Camera:  ZWO ASI 1600mm-pro Monochrome
Tilt & BackFocus Adjuster:  ASG Photon Cage
Mount:  Skywatcher EQ6r-Pro
Guide Scope:  William Optics 50mm Uniguide
Guide Camera:  ZWO ASI 290mm-mini

Location:  Pendleton, Oregon
Observatory:  NexDome 2.4m Automated
Bortle:  3
Long & Lat:  45.67N, -118.79 W

Date:  July 21, August 4th, August 5th – 2022

Ha: 96 x 300 seconds
Oiii: 92 x 300 seconds
Sii: 48 x 300 seconds

Calibration Bias: 20
Calibration Dark: 20
Calibration Flats: 30 for each filter

Gain:  139
Cooling:  -10
Processing Software
:   Stacked in Astro Pixel Processor, captured using NINA, Processed in PixInsight