IC 1805 Heart Nebula

IC 1805 Heart Nebula

Finally got a full set of RGB HSO on this target which I haven’t spent much time on.  This bright emissions nebula sits within Perseus and is approximately 7500 light years away.  It’s filled with energized hydrogen, but it’s always nice to capture some contrasting oxygen with bluish tones.  Sitting in the core is Melotte 15 which is an open cluster of massive stars.  Hydrogen, Sulfur and Oxygen were channeled into the hubble color palette while Red, Green Blue filters were used for star creation and color.

Telescope: Celestron RASA 11 (620mm focal @ f/2.2)
Filters:  Astronomik MaxFR 50x50mm Square SHO, Baader 50x50mm Square RGB
Main Camera:  ZWO ASI 6200mm-pro Monochrome
Tilt & BackFocus Adjuster:  ASG Photon Cage
Mount:  iOptron CEM 120EC
Guide Scope:  William Optics 50mm Uniguide
Guide Camera:  ZWO ASI 290mm-mini

Location:  Pendleton, Oregon
Observatory:  NexDome 2.4m Automated
Bortle:  3
Long & Lat:  45.67N, -118.79 W

Date:  March 9th-22nd, 2023

R:  36 x 15 seconds
40 x 15 seconds
39 x 15 seconds
Ha:  70 x 300 seconds
Sii:  45 x 300 seconds
Oiii:  42 x 300 seconds

Total Integration time ~13.5 hrs

Calibration Bias: 20
Calibration Dark: 20
Calibration Flats: 20 for each filter

Gain:  100
Cooling:  -10
Processing Software
:   Stacked in Astro Pixel Processor, captured using NINA, Processed in PixInsight & PS