Mandel-Wilson 7 – Integrated Flux Nebula of Cepheus

Mandel-Wilson 7 – Integrated Flux Nebula of Cepheus

This is a capture of a faint IFN located in the Cepheus region of the north sky.  IFN is simply is gaseous bodies beyond our regular galaxy nebulae we capture and faint in contrast.  The nebula and gas sit outside the galactic plane of the Milky-Way galaxy and gets its reflective light from all of our stars and galaxy light rather than traditional nebula within our galaxy.  These faint whisps are on massive scales in terms of size, yet show how empty intergalactic space may contain more than just empty space.

Telescope: Celestron RASA 11 (620mm focal @ f/2.2)
Filters:  Astronomik MaxFR 50x50mm Square SHO & Deep Sky RGB
Main Camera:  ZWO ASI 6200mm-pro Monochrome
Tilt & BackFocus Adjuster:  ASG Electronically Assisted Tilt (EAT)
Mount:  iOptron CEM 120EC
Guide Scope:  William Optics 50mm Uniguide
Guide Camera:  ZWO ASI 290mm-mini

Location:  Pendleton, Oregon
Observatory:  NexDome 2.4m Automated
Bortle:  3
Long & Lat:  45.67N, -118.79 W

Date: October 2nd-7th, 2024
R:  126 x 120 seconds
G:  93 x 120 seconds
B:  95 x 120 seconds

Total Integration time ~10.4 hrs

Calibration Bias: 20
Calibration Dark: 20
Calibration Flats: 25 for each filter

Gain:  100
Cooling:  -10
Processing Software
:   Captured with NINA, Stacked with Astro Pixel Processor,  Processed in PixInsight