NGC 3372 – The Great Carina Nebula
NGC 3372 – The Great Carina Nebula
Really happy to grab some images in partnership with Kaptas Attila on the Great Carina Nebula region as well as the NGC 3324 open cluster. This was my take with some RGB stars in an SHO blend. Some amazing structures, clusters, and dark nebula regions across this great target.
Telescope: Takahashi Epsilon 160ed (F/3.3)
Filters: Astronomik MaxFR 50x50mm Square SHO & Deep Sky RGB
Main Camera: QHY 600 SBFL
Tilt & BackFocus Adjuster: ASG Electronically Assisted Tilt (EAT)
Mount: 10Micron
Location: Deep Sky Chile Remote Observatory
Bortle: 1
Shoot Parameters
Date: January 10th, 16th, and February 2nd, 4th
R: 30 x 60 seconds
G: 30 x 60 seconds
B: 30 x 60 seconds
Ha: 103 x 300 seconds
Sii: 155 x 300 seconds
Oiii: 165 x 300 seconds
Total Integration time ~36 hrs
Calibration Bias: 20
Calibration Dark: 20
Calibration Flats: 25 for each filter
Gain: 25
Cooling: -10
Processing Software: Captured with NINA, Stacked with Astro Pixel Processor, Processed in PixInsight