Wolf-Rayet 134

Wolf-Rayet 134

This is a special kind of rare dying star called a Wolf-Rayet that lives about 6,000 light years away in the constellation Cygnus.  I was able to capture it in RGB color with Hydrogen and Oxygen to enhance the nebula regions.  These rare stars are in the dying phase of their star life and begin to run out of hydrogen and begin forming heavier elements.  They shed their outer layers in these intense but faint bubbles that we are able to capture.  It is predicted that these rare stars are leading to a supernova event for the ending of the star.  Only about 500 of these rare stars are currently cataloged.

Telescope: Celestron RASA 11 (620mm focal @ f/2.2)
Filters:  Astronomik MaxFR 50x50mm Square SHO
Main Camera:  ZWO ASI 6200mm-pro Monochrome
Tilt & BackFocus Adjuster:  ASG Photon Cage
Mount:  iOptron CEM 120EC
Guide Scope:  William Optics 50mm Uniguide
Guide Camera:  ZWO ASI 290mm-mini

Location:  Pendleton, Oregon
Observatory:  NexDome 2.4m Automated
Bortle:  3
Long & Lat:  45.67N, -118.79 W

Date:  July 2-16, 2023

R:  137 x 30 seconds
69 x 30 seconds
122 x 30 seconds
Ha:  29 x 300 seconds
Oiii:  66 x 300 seconds

Total Integration time ~11 hrs

Calibration Bias: 20
Calibration Dark: 20
Calibration Flats: 20 for each filter

Gain:  100
Cooling:  -10
Processing Software
:   Captured with NINA, Stacked with Astro Pixel Processor,  Processed in PixInsight